Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Proteomic studies of bird skeletal muscle fiber revealed by electrophoresis

G. B. Santape

Abstract :

<p><p>Proteins are the macromolecules of life, Their functions are the most diverse and gives a unique individuality to each organism. For the present study G. gallus C. livia and C. couturnix of Amravati region were selected and their muscle protein were analyzed by SDS–PAGE , Lamelli (1970) and total protein were estimated by folin phenol method Lowry et al (1951). The muscle proteins of three different birds species were estimated from ( flight muscles – pectoralis major , pectoralis minor and leg muscles and it was found that higher concentrations of total protein were found in the three respective regions of Gallus gallus than C.livia and C.coturnix, when it compared with experimental specimens under study. G. gallus showed more protein content 62.71 (mg/g), 64.57 ( mg/g) in the flight muscle as compared to C.livia free flying birds. Thus, the present study showed a significant variations in total muscle protein content from selected locomotary organs. Electrophoretic separation of muscle proteins of the selected birds showed inter specific variations. Distinct differences were observed in the intensity of the stained band. All these observations indicate that, the muscle protein electrophorograms can be used for species specificity .</p></p>

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G.B.Santape Proteomic Studies of Bird Skeletal Muscle Fiber Revealed by Electrophoresis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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