Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Dr. Poonam Burdak, Dr. Narayani Joshi, Dr. B. P. Nag, Dr. R. M. Jaiswal

Abstract :

 Background:– Disease of prostrate is one of the common problem of old age in men. PSA , Digital rectal examination and transrectal USG are tools most commonly used to screen for prostrate cancer, however biopsy remains gold standard for final diagnosis. Objectives:– To determine various morphologic types of prostrate lesions and their comparison with other studies. Methods:– Study includes 775 cases of prostrate biopsy from Dec 2013 to Jan 2009. Histopathology of prostrate biopsy was done and clinical and histological data so obtained were analysed and compared with another similar studies. Results:– Non neoplastic lesions were observed in 716 of 775 cases (92.4%) and majority of cases were found in age group of 61–70 years. Majority of neoplastic lesions were also observed in age group of 61–70 year in which incidently detected Prostrate cancer were 76.27% and cases with already suspected prostrate cancer were 23.27%. Conclusion:– Out of 775 prostrate specimens studied nonneoplastic lesions were common which accounted for 92.4% and neoplastic lesions accounted for 7.6%

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Dr. Poonam Burdak, Dr. Narayani Joshi, Dr. B.P.Nag, Dr. R.M.Jaiswal Prostate Biopses :A Five Year Study at a Tertiary Care Centre International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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