Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Prospects and Challenges of Ecotourism: an Empirical Inevestigation of ‘Thenmala’ Tourism Destination in Kerala

Dr. Roy Scaria

Abstract :

Tourism is an industry which employees the leisure time of the people in a useful way. It is a major engine of economic growth in most parts of the world. The immense potential of tourism is particularly relevant for developing nations like India. In respect of India the abundance of extremely serene environments and also quite a large number of historical and religious locations is an additional attraction, unlike most other parts of the world. This favorable situation is more applicable in respect of Kerala state in Indian subcontinent, often referred to as ‘Gods own Country’ in view of its scenic locations and conducive geographic, climatic and other conditions. Along with the appreciable growth in tourism over the last two decades or more in India and the high growth prospects of the tourism industry, there are growing apprehensions regarding the sustainability of the industry in view of the adverse environmental impacts of tourism. Both the favourable and adverse aspects as above are probably more applicable to ‘Gods own Country’ than any other state in India. As it is widely recognized that of the different types of tourism, the nature-friendly tourism model viz. ‘Ecotourism’ alone can be sustainable for development in the long run, this paper analyzes the prospects and challenges of ecotourism with reference to ‘Thenmala’ ecotourism project in Kollam district of Kerala, and suggests strategies for sustainable development of tourism.

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Dr. Roy Scaria Prospects and Challenges of Ecotourism: an Empirical Inevestigation of ‘Thenmala’ Tourism Destination in Kerala International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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