Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Proposed design and analysis of hybrid configuration of mini hydro, solar and wind power plants: A study

Dr Ashwini Mathur

Abstract :

 Electricity is one of the driving forces in a growing economy and increasing demand puts incredible pressure on the countries’ energy infrastructure to match that demand. India as a developing country, where majority of the population lives in rural areas without access to electricity, the problem assumes greater importance. Extension of the central electricity grid to such areas is either financially not viable or practically not feasible as these locations are geographically isolated, sparsely populated and have a very low power demand. The best suited configuration of a hyid renewable energy system out of various combinations to meet the village load requirement reliably, continuously and sustainably. The minimized cost of energy generation from the Hyid renewable energy technology system. The system’s cost–effectiveness, to calculate the cost of energy from hyid Renewable Energy Technologies, then compares it to the cost of grid extension to determine the economic distance limit using homer software.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Ashwini Mathur Proposed Design and Analysis of Hybrid Configuration of Mini Hydro, Solar And Wind Power Plants: A Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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