Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Proportionate value of mesiodistal dimension of maxillary lateral incisor with respect to maxillary anteriors in permanent dentition of Nepalese population

Amrita Shrestha, Dilesh Pradhan, Viral V. Mehta, Megha Pradhan

Abstract :

 Maxillary lateral incisors are third most commonly missing or malformed tooth. Determining width of this tooth is of utmost importance to create esthetic smile. Only few studies are available that mention the proportional value of mesiodistal width of maxillary lateral incisor with respect to central incisor and canine which would simplify the calculation of mesiodistal width of missing or malformed lateral incisor to restore.

This study was conducted on 200 samples (100 male and 100 female) with an aim to determine mesiodistal width of maxillary anterior teeth and proportionate value of mesiodistal width of lateral incisor with respect to central incisor and canine of Nepalese population, and to determine any sexual dimorphism.

The results revealed the mean mesiodistal crown dimension of central incisor, lateral incisor and canine to be 9.12mm (0.53), 7.33mm (0.65), 8.40mm (0.46), for male and 8.93mm (0.63), 7.36mm (0.63), 8.14mm (0.50) for female respectively. The ratio of lateral incisor to central incisor and lateral incisor to canine was 80.39 % (5.24) and 87.35% (7.1) for male and 82.71% ± 5.98 and 90.64% ± 7.33 for female respectively and this difference in ratio in male and female was found to be statistically significant.

Mesiodistal dimension of maxillary anteriors were found to be slightly larger than the previous studies and sexual dimorphism was found to be evident in width of central incisor and canine, and in ratio of lateral incisor to central incisor and of lateral incisor to canine.

During restoration of malformed or missing lateral incisor it is important to take sexual dimorphism into consideration while still maintaining proper proportion with central incisor and canine so that smile becomes esthetic and natural. 

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Amrita Shrestha, Dilesh Pradhan, Viral V. Mehta, Megha Pradhan, Proportionate value of mesiodistal dimension of maxillary lateral incisor with respect to maxillary anteriors in permanent dentition of Nepalese population, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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