Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Promoting Rural Entrepreneurship Through Rural Cluster Development and Hand Holding Services of The Facilitation Institute

M. Gowrishankar, C. Mathi Raja, D. Narendra Prasad

Abstract :

Rural entrepreneurship is now a days a major opportunity for the people who migrate from rural areas or semi - urban areas to Urban areas. On the contrary it is also a fact that the majority of rural entrepreneurs is facing many problems due to not availability of primary amenities in rural areas of developing country like India. Lack of education, financial problems, insufficient technical and conceptual ability it is too difficult for the rural entrepreneurs to establish industries in the rural areas. This paper makes an attempt to find out the Problems and Challenges for the potentiality of Rural Entrepreneurship. It also focuses on the major problems faced by rural entrepreneurs especially in the fields of Marketing of products, financial amenities and other primary amenities, i.e. availability of electricity, water supply, transport facilities and required energy etc. Providing an effective solution to these problems through rural cluster development with a facilitating institution.

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M. GOWRISHANKAR, C. MATHI RAJA, D. NARENDRA PRASAD Promoting Rural Entrepreneurship Through Rural Cluster Development and Hand Holding Services of The Facilitation Institute International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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