Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Profile of Road Traffic Accident Cases and Pattern of Injuries: A Tertiary Care Hospital Based Study

Dr. Anku Moni Saikia, Dr. Kurban Ali Ahmed

Abstract :

 Background: Road Traffic Accident (RTA) has emerged as a global public health problem.  In India, The magnitude of the problem is alarming. In Assam, The RTA prevalence has been increased significantly over the last couple of years. Objectives: 1) To study the profile of RTA cases attending Gauhati Medical College & Hospital(GMCH), 2) To study the Pattern of injuries  in RTA cases.  Methodology: A Tertiary care hospital based cross–sectional study was conducted from 1st June to 30th Nov 2017 among 203 RTA victims attending GMCH, Guwahati.  A predesigned and pretested schedule was used to collect data. Reviewing of medical record was also done to confirm the pattern of injuries. Data were analyzed using rates, ratios and proportionsetc.Result: Majority141(69.46%) of the accidents occurred among the age group of 21 to 30 yrs. Male predominance (83.25%) was observed. Majority 105(51.72%) of the victims were motorized two wheeler user and majority74(70.48%) of them didn’t wear helmet. Majority149(73.39%) of the victims had soft tissue injuries followed by bone injury83(40.88%).  Among drivers 22.1 % were under the influence of alcohol. Conclusion: The study revealed that RTAs are more common in younger age groups. Preventive practices were found to be low among the victims. Strict enforcement of road safety regulations could prevent RTAs.

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Dr. Anku Moni Saikia, Dr. Kurban Ali Ahmed, Profile of Road Traffic Accident Cases and Pattern of Injuries: A Tertiary Care Hospital Based Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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