Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015


Dr. Rangnath D, Dr. D. Shanker Mahadev, Kokiwar Pr

Abstract :

Background: GERD has traditionally been considered less common in Asian countries in comparison to western world. Recent studies indicate that its prevalence in India ranges between 8–20% which is comparable to that in the west. Objective: To study the cases of GERD presenting at Niloufer Hospital Methods: 106 children under the age of 122 months admitted to Niloufer hospital with history of symptoms and signs suggestive of GERD were studied, the period of study jan 2011 to jan 2014. Selection of cases was based on the clinical signs and symptoms based on the criteria as per the criteria given by American Academy of Pedicatrics. Milk scan was done. Results: The male predominance is clearly seen. 69.8% of males vs. only 30.2% of females. It is observed that cases are coming from all over the Andhra Pradesh. But predominantly they are from Hyderabad (26.42%) and Ranga Reddy District (19.81%). It is found that the 59.4% had signs and symptoms suggestive of GERD but they are normal on milk scan. Among the positive cases, grade II constituted the most cases i.e. 13.21%, followed by grade IV i.e. 10.4%. Conclusion: GER is common in infants but GERD is not so common in early childhood. Most infants have physiological reflux and need minimal intervention as their symptoms resolve by 18 months of age.

Keywords :

Profile   Patients   GERD  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Rangnath D, Dr. D. Shanker Mahadev, Kokiwar PR Profile of Patients With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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