Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Profile of destructive eye surgery in a tertiary eye care centre in Eastern India

Dr Krittika Palchoudhury, Dr Chandana Chakraborti, Dr Swati Majumdar

Abstract :

 A retrospective, record based analysis of destructive surgery was done in a tertiary care centre in Eastern India from January 2012 to December 2015 to determine the incidence, causes and trend of destructive ocular surgery. The data was obtained from the review of history, clinical examination and investigations as noted in out patients and surgical records .Results were analysed statistically with Epi info version 3.4.3 and z tests. Fifty two eyes of 52 patients were included in this study. thirty five were male patients (67%) were male and 17(33%) were female. The indications for surgery were severe ocular infections, especially panophthalmitis (25%), endophthalmitis ( 13%), severe penetrating eye injuries (19.2%), anterior staphyloma(21.1%) and orbito–ocular tumours(11.5%). Compared to the total number of surgeries done each year the crude incidence was 1.33% per year. This study showed that most causes of destructive procedures are preventable and serious preventive strategies are needed to change this trend

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Dr Krittika Palchoudhury, Dr Chandana Chakraborti, Dr Swati Majumdar Profile of destructive eye surgery in a tertiary eye care centre in Eastern India International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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