Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015


Ms. Amanjeet Kaur, Ms. Baldeep Kaur

Abstract :

Wine is one of the functional fermented drinks and has many health benefits. It is a well-liked drink being enjoyed

all over the world. Wine is a complex mixture of a large number of compounds [1]. Fruit are the best substrates for
wine production. Moreover fruits, herbs can also be used for wine production by keeping in mind the health benefits of herbs. Thus, the present
investigation focuses on the production and comparative study of holy basil wine with banana wine and date wine. Consequently, results of
different analyses in pure herbal wine (holy basil) in comparison to fruit wines showed that holy basil wine fulfills the requirement criteria
needed for as all parameters like ix, titratable acidity and ethanol content were found within normal range for holy basil wine as well as
for both the fruit wines.
To conclude it can be said that leaves of holy basil can be used to prepare pure herbal wine. Due its medicinal and therapeutical properties,
the holy basil wine can be a good option for fermented beverages. The outcome of the present analysis may expand the utility of holy basil and
other herbs for production of herbal wine and can be excellent alternative to fruit wines.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Ms. AMANJEET KAUR, Ms. BALDEEP KAUR PRODUCTION & COMPARATIVE STUDY OF HOLY BASIL WINE, BANANA WINE AND DATE WINE International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

Number of Downloads : 2054

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