Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Process Optimization for Tamarindus Indica. L Pulp Extraction Using Response Surface Methodology

Cynthia. S. J, John Don Bosco. S

Abstract :

A central composite design was developed to optimize the extraction conditions of Tamarindus indica. L pulp. Time (15-30 min) and temperature (40oC-100oC) were the independent variables. Pulp yield, odour, taste and sourness were the dependent variables, for which the combined effect of independent variables was analyzed. Obtained results depicted the data variation and significant relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables. The results depicted that extraction temperature is an important factor because it affects the odour, which made the pulp less acceptable. Increase in temperature increases the pulp yield but it also increases the sourness which affected the quality of the pulp. The relationship between the dependent and independent variable where shown by the contour plots and the responses were developed. Superimposing of the contour plots gave an optimum condition of 40oC for 15min for hot water extraction of Tamarindus indica. L pulp.

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Cynthia. S. J,John Don Bosco. S Process Optimization for Tamarindus Indica. L Pulp Extraction Using Response Surface Methodology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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