Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Problems of Females in Primary Education in Rural Areas of Gulbarga District: A Sample Survey

Chandrakala. N. H, Dr Smt . Shashikala. D. J

Abstract :

Female education is important as it helps to reduce maternal mortality, dowry practice, increase family health, more awareness on family welfare, reduce gender based violence, increase child care, etc. Still, female participation in primary education is lower in rural areas. There are many reasons and problems faced by female students in rural areas to get primary education. Hence, the present study was ascertained the problems faced by female students in rural areas of Gulbarga district. Total 150 female students studying in 10 primary schools were interviewed to collect the primary data. The problems faced by female students include household work, social customs, parents’ suppression, etc. Due to these factors, the female education is neglected. The paper has also given useful suggestions for the improvement and development of female education.

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Chandrakala. N.H, Dr (Smt). Shashikala. D.J Problems of Females in Primary Education in Rural Areas of Gulbarga District: A Sample Survey International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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