Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Problems of dairy farming women’s in Hyderabad Karnataka Region

Dr. Venkatappa Madana

Abstract :

Not much and exact is known about the history of dairying, but possibly man hunted cattle and therefore domesticated them for his food purpose. It is stated that the Aryans were the first in India who tamed and domesticated these animals and used their mammary secretion as food. From time immemorial the cow has been regarded as the ‘sacred mother’ in India hence the name “Kamadhenu” is used for the celestial cow. In the Regveda it is stated that the cow is the mother of Rudras and in Mahabharata also cow is described as the mother of all beings..

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Dr.VENKATAPPA MADANA Problems of Dairy Farming Women¥s in Hyderabad Karnataka Region International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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