Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Problems Faced by Women Self Help Groups for Livelihood Promotion Through “VELUGU” Programme

T. Saidanna, A. Sailaja, V. Sudhakar

Abstract :

Andhra Pradesh is the fourth largest state in area and fifth most populous state in the country. Andhra Pradesh has used self help groups (SHGs) extensively as a primary tool for poverty alleviation and empowerment. Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP) is a largest poverty alleviation project in the State of Andhra Pradesh which is implemented by a registered society “Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty” (SERP) under Department of Rural Development. IKP aims to build strong institutions of the rural poor (SHGs) and enhance their livelihood opportunities so that the vulnerability of the poor is reduced. With this background in view, an attempt was made to study problems perceived by self help groups and suggestions thereof for livelihood promotion.Majority of respondents have availed benefits in the sectors with which SERP has developed strong linkages. To sustain agri-based livelihoods, SERP during implementation of this multi pronged strategy (IKP) needs to coordinate with agriculture and revenue department in provision of cultivable land, facilitate in adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.Group livelihoods pertaining to agricultural activities need to promoted in the area by utilizing finance meant for the purpose. SERP needs to ensure that all the benefits reach a SHG in a coherent manner. With the increasing population pressure, technological advances in the competitive global market, large number of people in India are bereft of stable livelihoods. It is now widely accepted today that promotion of large number of livelihoods especially for rural poor and women has emerged as the most significant development challenge of the century. Andhra Pradesh is the fourth largest state in area and fifth most populous state in the country

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T. Saidanna, A. Sailaja,V. Sudhakar Problems Faced by Women Self Help Groups for Livelihood Promotion Through “VELUGU” Programme International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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