Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Problems and Prospects of Living Around Kaziranga: An Exploratory Study

Dr. Daisy Das

Abstract :

People have been living around forest for centuries as it provides life support. But due to increasing extraction forests have been given legal protection for conservation and people are debarred from resource collection from inside the forests. Besides such prohibition people around such protected areas often suffer from wildlife damage. But there are benefits from tourism and related activities around such areas. Many times park authority administers welfare programmes for people around. Therefore, the present study has been proposed around Kaziranga National Park to know the underlying dimensions of living so that policy measures can be taken to help out the people living around the park. This will not only minimize conflict but will also enhance conservation.

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Dr. Daisy Das Problems and Prospects of Living Around Kaziranga: An Exploratory Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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