Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Priority Sector Lending of Commercial Banks in North Kanara District: An Overview

H. N. Harakantra, Dr Smt . V. Sharadha, Dr. N. S. Mugadur

Abstract :

The present paper is related to the role of Public Sector and Private Sector Banks in priority sector lending. For the purpose of study secondary data has been collected from statistical tables relating to banks in India. Report on trend and progress of banking in India. The period from 2002–03 2012 has been chosen for the study. The scope of study covers the data of Public Sector Banks and Private Sector Banks in India. It is found from the study that priority sector advances and agricultural advances of both the types of banks had improved manifold over the study period. But, they were still lacking behind to achieve the target set for them by RBI in agriculture sector. It was observed that the priority sector lending of private sector higher than public sector banks in this study area.

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H.N. Harakantra, Dr(Smt).V.Sharadha, Dr.N.S.Mugadur Priority Sector Lending of Commercial Banks in North Kanara District: An Overview International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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