Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Prime Right Nearrings

Dr. D. Bharathi, K. Sreenivasulu

Abstract :

The natural to look for comparable results on right nearrings ,and this has been done [1],[2],[3] and [4]. The strong commutativity preserving (SCP)-derivations are motivated by recent studies of mappings F in rings having the property that [F(x),F(z)]=0 Whenever [x,z]=0. In [4], Bell and son established commutativity of right nearrings admitting derivations which are SCP derivations on its subsets. The aim of this section is to study the commutativity of right nearrings with the following constraints: First, with suitably - restricted right cancellation property of N,we prove main theorem1,secondly we deal with a type of derivation .Which is more general than SCP-derivations defined in [5].Finally, we establish that a right nearring N turn out to be a commutative ring if N satisfies [F(x),D(z)]=[x,z] for all x and z in some well-behaved ideal of N. In this section, we prove that (N,+) is abelian if N has right cancellation property and N is commutative ring if N has no zero divisors with nonzero derivation D and a mapping F such that [F(x),D(z)]=[x,z] for all x,z?N.

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Dr.D.Bharathi, K.Sreenivasulu Prime Right Nearrings International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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