Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Primary renal hydatid cyst : A case report and surgical management

Dr A. O. Noyda Ms , Dr Nirav Satasia Ms , Dr Ankur Sangal, Dr Mohd Aizaz Khan, Dr Alaknanda Atara

Abstract :

We present a rare case of primary left renal hydatid cyst in a 50 year male patient admitted with left lumbar pain. Radiological investigations were suggestive of Hydatid cyst of left kidney upper pole. The hydatid cyst was treated by preoperative course of Tab Albendazole followed by open surgical cystecomy and postoperative Tab Albendazole therapy. This case emphasizes the need for a better detection and evaluation of such rare case to identify better treatment modality

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr A.O.Noyda (MS), Dr Nirav Satasia (MS), Dr Ankur Sangal, Dr Mohd Aizaz Khan, Dr Alaknanda Atara Primary renal hydatid cyst : A case report and surgical management International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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