Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Primary Cutaneous Actinomycosis–A Rare Case Report

Dr. K. R. Umadevi, Dr. J. Srivani, Dr. C. S. Vijayalakshmi

Abstract :

A 50 years old man came to our skin OPD with a H/O swelling in the right wrist joint for the past 15 years.It started as a small nodule extending to soft tissues and a sinus formation.. Clinically was provisionally diagnosed as ?Mycetoma ,? TB Synovitis. Biopsy was done and sent to Histopathology. With the help of morphology ,Culture and special stains it was diagnosed as a Primary cutaneous Actinomycosis after ruling out Oro Cervico facial,Thoracic , Abdominal and Pelvic actinomycosis. Cutaneous involvement manifests as an intense suppurative and granulomatous inflammation that first may present as a nodular lesion, sometimes with surrounding cellulitis The infection often progress so that nodules evolve into abscesses and sinus tracts.

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Dr.K.R.Umadevi, Dr.J.Srivani, Dr. C.S.Vijayalakshmi Primary Cutaneous Actinomycosis � A Rare Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 9 September 2014

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