Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2015

Prevalence of substance abuse among Tribal School Adolescents in Manipur

Kaisolo Pazhiini, Dr. A Radhakrishnan Nair

Abstract :

<p> The prevalence rate of substance abuse in Manipur among adolescents is soå and is higher than the average India. Due to its geographical proximity to the international drug trafficking routes, certain cultural practices and social condition makes adolescents more vulnerable to addiction. In addition, Adolescents due to its rapid growth and development, their sensation seeking habits, experimented many new and risky things and lands themselves to detrimental health, unstable social life and failure in their academics. The study which was carried out in a school in Manipur shows that prevalence rate among male adolescents is alarmingly high and they used it out of curiosity and for fun with friends. The adolescents began to experiment it as early as 6 to 7 years of age and a large number of them began experimenting across the adolescent span. The easy availability in their area makes them more vulnerable.</p>

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Kaisolo Pazhiini, Dr. A Radhakrishnan Nair / Prevalence of substance abuse among Tribal School Adolescents in Manipur / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 11 November 2015

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