Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Prevalence Of Overweight And Obesity in Adolescent Girls In Urban Area Of Muzaffarpur District Of Bihar

Dr. Jayashree

Abstract :

Objective: To study the socio- economic factors & Dietary pattern of adolescent girls to estimate the prevalence of

overweight and obesity.METHODS: Food consumption of the subjects was assessed using a 3-day 24-hour dietary
recall-method. Anthropometry (height & weight) for calculating the Body Mass Index and compå with standards . BMI = Weight(kg)/
Height(m²) Results: Study revealed that Adolescent girls eats more fast foods which are generally high in fat .62.4 % Adolescent girls likes
fast food..71.2% of Adolescent girls had unsatisfactory knowledge about the healthy/balanced diet.The largest proportion of energy 70% was
obtained from carbohydrates,followed by fat (20%) and protein (10%.) Overweight/Obesity was more (41.4%), among those who did not go
for Exercise at all. Conclusions: Since the magnitude of overweight & obesity and its consequences are rising, and hence there is need to
introduce heaIth education classes & programs regarding the benefits of

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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DR. JAYASHREE Prevalence Of Overweight And Obesity in Adolescent Girls In Urban Area Of Muzaffarpur District Of Bihar International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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