Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Prevalence of hypertension and obesity among urban working women

A. Swarnalatha, Dr. M. Amirthaveni

Abstract :

WHO termed obesity as “New world syndrome” and hypertension as “Silent killer” by observing its consequences and it’s increasing prevalence for the past few decades. This study was taken to observe the prevalence of obesity and hypertension among urban working women in southern India by enrolling 120 working women in an educational institution, located at the centre of the city. Well structured questionnaire was developed and distributed to all the women to elicit their socio economic details, life style pattern and food habits. Their weight, height and blood pressure were recorded. Among the selected women obesity was prevalent among 80.2 per cent and the prevalence of hypertension was observed to be 48 per cent. The blood pressure was noticed to increases with increase in body weight of the individuals. The results stress the timely preventive measures for these new endemic disorders to reduce the burden of many chronic morbidity

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A.Swarnalatha, Dr.M.Amirthaveni Prevalence of hypertension and obesity among urban working International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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