Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Prevalence of Anemia among College Going Girls of Raipur City

Joglekar, A, Verma, V, Sharma, G, Bhoi, S

Abstract :

Anemia is one of the most widespread nutritional problems among all vulnerable groups. Approximately more

than 50% of the women, girl child, and adolescent girls are suffering from anemia all over the world including India.
The nutritional status as well as the hemoglobin levels among adolescent girls has been very low as compared to developed countries. Low
consumption of iron rich foods and faulty dietary pattern of developing countries attributes to this problem.
Objective: Keeping this view in mind the present study was designed to assess the prevalence of anemia among college going girls of Raipur
city, Methodology: cross- sectional, descriptive study was carried out on 178 college going girls between the age group of 18-25years , residing
in college hostels. Results: The overall prevalence of anemia was 63.48%. Out of 178 Adolescents College going girl, 113 (63.48%) had varying severity of anemia, while anemia was absent in 65(36.52%) girls. Out of the 113 girls, 30 (16.86%) were mild anemic, 70 (39.32%) were
moderately anemic and 13(7.30%) were severely anemic. Conclusion: The present study revealed that anemia is major health problem among
the college going girls in government hostels. Continuous follow-up programme and nutrition education can improve the nutritional status
of college going girls.

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Joglekar, A, Verma, V, Sharma, G, Bhoi, S Prevalence of Anemia among College Going Girls of Raipur City International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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