Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Prevalence and Pattern of Alcohol Use Disorders Among Males in an Urban Slum Population at Chennai

Dr. Balaji Arumugam, Prabhu. V, Pushyan Pradeep , Saranya Nagalingam

Abstract :

Alcohol consumption and its pattern of drinking to intoxication have been steadily increasing in developing countries. The present study was done with the objectives to identify the pattern of alcohol usage among urban slum dwellers and to assess the risk factors related to alcohol usage. Material and methods: This study was done as a cross sectional study among urban slum field practice area: Adayalampattu during October and November 2012 by house to house survey using prefomed and pre determined questionnaire. The questionnaire had general information and risk factors of alcohol usage and WHO - AUDIT questionnaire was used. Results: A total 204 alcohol users were interviewed and the pattern of alcohol usage was low risk alcohol drinking 9 (4.4%), excess use of alcohol 122 (59.8%), harmful or hazardous use of alcohol 50 (24.5%) and alcohol dependants 23 (11.3%). Conclusion: There is no doubt that the alcohol use is increasing but more alarming issue is that the number of persons getting dependant to alcohol.

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Dr. Balaji Arumugam,Prabhu. V,Pushyan Pradeep ,Saranya Nagalingam Prevalence and Pattern of Alcohol Use Disorders Among Males in an Urban Slum Population at Chennai International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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