Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Prescribing Pattern of Antibiotics in inpatients of Department of Orthopaedics in a Teaching Hospital of Ujjain.

Dr. Ruchi Baghel, Dr. Vivek Singh, Dr. Ashutosh Chourishi, Dr. Sandeep Adwal

Abstract :

 Antibiotics are frequently prescribed in Orthopaedics. If they are not being used rationally they will lead to emergence of serious antibiotic resistance. This study was planned to evaluate prescription pattern of antibiotics in department of orthopaedics. A prospective observational study conducted from October 2012 to 2013 in C.R.Gardi Hospital,Ujjain. Total 611 patients were included in this study.5416 drugs were prescribed out of which 852 were antibiotics. Average no. of antibiotics per patient was 2.3 and average duration of antibiotic prescription 7.8 days. 75.3% were prescribed two antibiotics. Amikacin was the most frequently prescribed antibiotic. 76.3% were prescribed by injectable route. 27% were prescribed as Fixed Dose Combinations. 19% were prescribed by generic name. 64% drugs prescribed were included in NEML and WHO Essential Medicine List. The percentage of encounters with an antibiotic and an injection prescribed was high. This has to be discouraged. There is an urgent need to develop standards of drug prescription and develop ways and means to ensure that they are adhered to.

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Dr. Ruchi Baghel, Dr. Vivek Singh, Dr. Ashutosh Chourishi, Dr. Sandeep Adwal Prescribing Pattern of Antibiotics in inpatients of Department of Orthopaedics in a Teaching Hospital of Ujjain. International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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