Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016

Preparation of Watershed Action Plans Using Geo–informatics Technology

Raj Kumar Pammi, Dsr Murthy, T. Phanindra Kumar, V. Madhava Rao

Abstract :

The community based integrated watershed approach is highly essential in order to meet the needs of ever–growing population i.e. for providing food, fodder, fiber and shelter by rejuvenating land and water resources especially in rural areas. To achieve this goal proper management of natural resources by adopting suitable scientific solutions for optimum development of land, vegetation and water resources in a sustainable manner is essential to the maximum possible extent. It is felt that in our country a majority of the areas still require great thrust and appropriate measures. Therefore the study made an attempt to assess the temporal changes in the natural resources in a watershed using IRS satellite images of 2002 and 2014, toposheet, geology, geomorphology, soil and ground water data were used. The watershed proposed structure were found and the impact of the watershed were compared using socio–economic and satellite data. The study found that there is a huge positive impact was identified due the watershed analysis in the study area.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Raj Kumar Pammi, DSR Murthy, T. Phanindra Kumar, V. Madhava Rao Preparation of Watershed Action Plans Using Geo-informatics Technology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 1 January 2016

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