Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Preparation and Characterization of Magnesia precipitated from waste liquid Bittern

E. M. H. Khater, Sh. El Rafie, M. S. Shalaby, A. M. El Amp Ndash Rafei

Abstract :

The characterization of physical properties for MgO powders precipitated from Alexandria Salt company waste liquid Bittern and that precipitated from industrial wastewater rich with ammonia was studied. The decomposition of precipitated Mg(OH)2 from sea liquid Bittern was analyzed by TGA and crystallization process was observed by XRD for both Mg(OH)2 and MgO. The SEM analysis and EDX, shows the platelet morphology of Mg(OH)2 and hexagonal MgO powders originating from different calcinations temperatures. The XRF analysis showed the increase in Magnesia % purity from 35% up to 96.6 % by water wash of MgO prepared after calcination at 900oC. A techno–economic pre–feasibility study has been revealed conducted and high product profitabilitypotentials with respect to: (i) the expected percent annual return on investment 400% and (ii) payout–period (0.19 year) based on lower price than imported pure source of MgO with 7000 EGP per ton as a selling price.

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E. M. H. Khater, Sh. El Rafie, M. S. Shalaby, A. M. El Amp Ndash Rafei Preparation and Characterization of Magnesia Precipitated from Waste Liquid Bittern International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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