Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Pregnancy in a Patient With Takayasus Arteritis

Ismail Coskuner, Deniz C Ar Kan, Huseyin Y Ld Z, Emin Silay

Abstract :

Takayasu arteritis is a nonspecific chronic inflammatory vascular disease of unknown etiology with a higher incidence during the child-beå years. It primarily involves the aorta, its main anches such as the achiocephalic, carotid, subclavian, verteal and renal arteries, as well as the coronary and pulmonary arteries. Most of the patients became the pregnant as being already diagnosed with this disease and being on medication. It has been suggested that pregnancy, although not usually associated with an exacerbation of inflammatory vascular lesions, should only be considered during a phase of remission. Hypertension is probably the most serious major complication that can develop, possibly leading to intrauterine growth retardation, maternal heart failure, and fetal haemorrhage. We describe a case of pregnant woman with a 2-year history of Takayasu’s arteritis who had bilateral subclavian artery obstruction. She stopped to take colchium dispert, lanzedin, imuran and took only prednol 16 mg throughout the pregnancy. She underwent a planned cesarean section under epidural anesthesia at 38 weeks and 1 day of gestation, and a healthy female baby girl 2830 g was delivered. Before the cesarean section, in order to monitorization the vital findings, a right femoral artery catheterization was performed. There were no postpartum complications.

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Ismail Coskuner,Deniz C Arıkan,Huseyin Yıldız,Emin Silay Pregnancy in a Patient With Takayasu’s Arteritis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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