Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014


Naveena Jannu, Srinivas Guntupalli, Swarnalatha G

Abstract :

The etiologies of hypokalemia are numerous, the diagnosis of drug induced hypokalemia may be overlooked. Evaluation of a patient presenting with hypokalemia should include a careful review of medication history to determine whether any drugs causing or aggrevating the electrolyte abnormality are present. A case of 52 year old male, presented with acute quadriparesis secondary to severe hypokalemia. Serum potassium was corrected by intravenous and oral supplementation, and the quadriparesis recovered completely. A detailed history revealed that he had been taking prednisolone and griseofulvin for dermatological lesions ( tinea) from four months. Here in we report this case as prednisolone induced hypokalemia causing quadriparesis

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Naveena jannu, Srinivas guntupalli, Swarnalatha G PREDNISOLONE INDUCED HYPOKALEMIA CAUSING QUADRIPARESIS : A CASE REPORT International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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