Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Predictive Value of Urine pH and Duration of Disease for Urinary Tract Infections in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Romi Srivastava, Rita J

Abstract :

 Aim: Diabetes Mellitus is a heterogeneous group of diseases, characterized by a state of chronic hyperglycemia. Diabetes Mellitus has a number of

long–term effects on the genitourinary system predisposing to Urinary Tract Infections and change in pH. This study focuses on the Urine pH
analysis of Diabetic patients and its correlation with urine culture and duration of diabetes and attempts to generate a predictive estimate model for
the same.
Methodology: This is a cross–sectional study carried out in Diabetes special OPD Madha Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai. Sample
size was 64 known cases of Type–2 Diabetes. Data was collected, and an ordinal logistic regression model was developed.
Result: Out of the 64 diabetic patients, 31 patients were diabetic for less than 4 years whereas 33 patients were diabetic for more than 4 years. There
was a distinct increasing trend towards alkaline pH as duration of diabetes increased. Patients with higher urinary pH and long duration diabetes
were up to times more likely to have urinary infection.
Conclusion: Not only there is increase in Urine pH with increase in duration of Diabetes Mellitus but patients with Increasingly higher pH and
longer duration of DM have up to 11 times more risk of UTI. Thus, monitoring and treating high urinary pH is important for these patients.

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Romi Srivastava, Rita J, Predictive Value of Urine pH and Duration of Disease for Urinary Tract Infections in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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