Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Predictive markers for Vitamin D deficiency in young patients with low backache

Dr Rishi Aggarwal, Dr S. K. Srivastava, Dr Taufiq Panjwani, Dr Tanvi Lohiya

Abstract :

Estimation of Vitamin D in serum remains the gold standard for diagnosis of Vitamin D deficiency. Surrogate markers in the patients’ clinical profile or radiological investigations might be associated with Vitamin D deficiency. This study aims at investigating these surrogate markers. Young patients (age ≤ 30) with low backache were included. Clinical and radiological parameters were correlated with serum Vitamin D value. 86 patients were included in study with mean age of 24.74 ± 4.31 years. The mean Vitamin D value was 18.34 ± 15.41 (range 7.37 – 86.34 years). Moderate – sever pain (VAS > 4), Muslim females, smokers, spondylolisthesis and presence schmorl’s nodes were associated with 100 % prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency. These may be considered as predictive markers of Vitamin D deficiency and prophylactic treatment with Vitamin D supplementation may be considered in these patients.

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Dr Rishi Aggarwal, Dr S.K. Srivastava, Dr Taufiq Panjwani, Dr Tanvi Lohiya Predictive Markers for Vitamin D Deficiency in Young Patients with Low Backache International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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