Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Prediction of Volleyball Players fore Arm Pass Skill Ability in Relation to Their Anthropometric Profile and Strength Measures

Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Dr. Sukhbir Singh

Abstract :

Volleyball is a game of skill and strategies. Wherein, Fore Arm Pass is inevitable skill for volleyball players. Hence, the purpose of this study was to correlate anthropometric profiles and strength measures with fore arm pass skill ability and further to develop the regression equation for the prediction of volleyball players fore arm pass skill ability. The research was conducted on Inter–University level 55 male volleyball players of age range 18–25 years. Twenty eight anthropometric profiles and two strength measures as independent variables and fore arm pass skill tests as dependent variable were evaluated of each subject. 6 lbs medicine bell put and sergeant jump to measure strength measure and Helman Volleyball Test bettery (1971–73) to measure fore arm pass skill ability were used. SPSS (11.5) computer software was used to analyze the data and it determined that the body weight and linear measurements, i.e., standing height, trunk length, arm length, upper arm length, leg length and hand length; body girths i.e., shoulder, upper arm and chest girth; body diameters i.e., shoulder and hip diameter; body composition variables. i.e., lean body mass and strength measures components i.e., arm strength and leg strength have positive and significant correlations with fore arm pass skill ability of volleyball players. The size of multiple correlation is sufficiently large and hence regression equation developed is useful for the prediction of fore arm pass skill ability of volleyball players.

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Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Dr. Sukhbir Singh Prediction of Volleyball Players fore Arm Pass Skill Ability in Relation to Their Anthropometric Profile and Strength Measures International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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