Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

Prediction of Urban Sprawl in Hyderabad City using Spatial Model, Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

S. Indhira Gandhi, Dr. V. Madha Suresh

Abstract :

This paper presents a study that integrates Remote Sensing, GIS, and dynamic spatial modelling for predicting urban spatial growth, given the different development conditions. The prediction is based on SLEUTH, a modified Cellular Automata model consisting of an urban growth and land cover change transition sub models was chosen to caliate urban growth in Hyderabad city. The caliated model allows us to fill gaps in the discontinuous historical time series of urban spatial extent, since maps and images are available only for certain period between 1950 and 2004. Using the model a spatial forecast of urban growth is done till 2055. The predicted mode of growth in Hyderabad is organic or edge growth and road influenced growth due to very high coefficient of spread and road gravity. This study reveals that there will be increase in urban growth of 120% between 2005 and 2055.

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S. Indhira Gandhi, Dr. V. Madha Suresh Prediction of Urban Sprawl in Hyderabad City using Spatial Model, Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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