Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Pre–Emptive Medication to Relieve Postoperative Pain: To Do Or Not To Do?

Dr. Vilas Kapurkar, Dr. Abhay Nawathe, Dr. Neeraj Deshpande

Abstract :

Pre-emptive medications prior to surgical procedures in order to relieve postoperative pain have been suggested in literature. Pre-emptive analgesia is a treatment that is initiated before and is operational during the surgical procedure in order to reduce the physiological consequences of nociceptive transmission provoked by the procedure. Some studies suggest a beneficial role of the medication. Preventive medicine is the new source of interest in the field of medicine and all efforts to ensure comfort to the patient post operatively need to be enforced. This review article focusses on the mechanisms and the thought behind the applications in our day to day practice.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Vilas Kapurkar, Dr. Abhay Nawathe, Dr. Neeraj Deshpande Pre-Emptive Medication to Relieve Postoperative Pain: To Do Or Not To Do? International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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