Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Pre CT Scan Anxiety among naive and patients with repeated scan

Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Dr Upendra Nath Upadhyay, Dr Amrit Pattojoshi, Dr. Ashok Kumar Prasad, Dr. Ajay Kumar Bakhla

Abstract :

 Aims and Objective—The current study assessed anxiety in adult patients undergoing neuroimaging CT Scan and compå scan naïve and patients with repeated scan.


Method—Eighty four patients being diagnosed with any non traumatic reasons were rated for the severity of anxiety before going for CT scan.


Results—  A total of 86 patients (61 male and 21 female)  grouped as exposure naïve (n=56) and another repeat exposure (n=30) patients.  The mean age of respective group was 33.82 ± 8.32 years and 41.90 ± 7.94 years and 44:12 and 21:9 male female ratio respectively for groups. The mean HADS Depression score for exposure naïve was 10.71 ± 2.54 and for repeat exposure it was 10.20 ± 1.99 ( t value = –.973, df= 84 and p value=.333). Whereas the mean Anxiety scores these two groups was 12.69 ± 2.82 and 10.73 ± 1.99 respectively ( t value = 3.373, df= 84 and p value=.001).


Conclusions— This study reveals significant higher anxiety among exposure naïve patients undergoing CT scan of in comparison to patients undergoing repeated scanning. 

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Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Dr Upendra Nath Upadhyay, Dr Amrit Pattojoshi, Dr. Ashok Kumar Prasad, Dr. Ajay Kumar Bakhla, Pre CT Scan Anxiety among naive and patients with repeated scan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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