Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Practice of Meditation: a Physiological Approach

Dr. Annapoorna. K, Dr. Vasantalaxmi. K

Abstract :

Yoga techniques include the practice of physical postures, regulation of respiration with a number of eathing techniques, meditation techniques and relaxation techniques. Meditation is a specific state of consciousness featured by deep relaxation and internalized attention. Meditation forms the sixth and seventh stages of the eight limbs of yoga described by the sage Patanjali. While meditation is relaxing, in yoga therapy it has a deeper significance. It silences the surface activity of the mind, there by allowing the person to look deeper within which illuminates the deeper and higher realities of existence.

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Dr. Annapoorna. K, Dr. Vasantalaxmi. K Practice of Meditation: a Physiological Approach International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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