Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015


Dr. R. Vidyarama, Dr. T. Nagamani, Dr. Prasad Usha

Abstract :

 Back ground India is a country that needs to keep population explosion under control. About 40% of Indian women are not using  any contraception. The need of the hour for controlling population growth is spacing. Usage of IUCDs or hormonal contraceptives is the most  effective spacing methods. The post partum IUCD is an effective form of Long acting reversible contraceptive (LARC).  Aims: This study was done to evaluate the acceptance of IUCD as an immediate family planning method following delivery, its complications  and continuation rates. Material and Methods: This is a prospective study conducted at the tertiary care centre for a period of one year.11, 278 antenatal women were  counseled and a total of 959 women who fulfilled the medical eligibility criteria were included in the study. Results: A total of 11,278 women were counseled of which 959 accepted the method and10, 319 declined. Spontaneous expulsion was seen in 5  cases, with continuation in 881(91.8%) number of cases. Complications noticed were expulsion, pain, bleeding, and missing threads.  Conclusion: In the present study the continuation rate was 91.8%. Hence postpartum IUCD is an excellent method for spacing and long acting  reversible contraceptive, in the current Indian scenario.

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Dr.R.VidyaRama, Dr.T.Nagamani, Dr.Prasad Usha PPIUCD AS A LONG ACTING REVERSIBLE CONTRACEPTIVE (LARC)–AN EXPERIENCE AT A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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