Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Power Factor(Pf) Analysis and Suggestive Methodology for Improvement of Pf

Manish Kumar Agrawal, Sukhamaya Swain

Abstract :

The ideal voltage and current waveform of supply to the users is sinusoidal but in actual practice it is not possible. So the calculation of the PF is different from the traditional way.Power transmission and distribution system has a particular limit of carrying current. It depends on users that how that power is being utilized. The amount of extra power that is drawn by the load depends on the PF of the load. In electrical installation with low PF, significant cost savings can be made through the application of PF correction. Improving of PF can reduce power cost, release electrical capacity of the system, raise the voltage level and reduce system losses.

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Manish Kumar Agrawal, Sukhamaya Swain Power Factor(Pf) Analysis and Suggestive Methodology for Improvement of Pf International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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