Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Potential of Religion as a Correctional Agent

Dr. Mandeep Gaur

Abstract :

There cannot be any reformation in prisons through improvement in living conditions alone. It is possible through the inculcation of faith, a belief in certain values of life. It is observed that inmates are more inclined towards religions after their imprisonment. The deprivations imposed on them by imprisonment eak their direct link with the outer-world. They gradually realize that religion does not necessarily promise a perfect life, nor freedom from sufferings, but it does guarantee the strength to bear sufferings. For them, religion becomes a trust in God and His mysterious ways. Such belief gives them the inner security and confidence they need to carry themselves through the adverse circumstances. Actually, they are rejected by society and frustrated with their own actions. When they take shelter of religion or God, they never lose hope in life and its goodness. Religion becomes a great source of help for their social re-construction. There is an increase of good-will among them for each other. They try to help each other in daily chores, in sickness and mental agonies, through listening to the tales of woe. The general atmosphere thus improves. Ultimately, they learn to behave in a socially acceptable manner.

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Dr. Mandeep Gaur Potential of Religion as a Correctional Agent International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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