Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


Bharathi Rao, Sharadhi. C, Aditi V Kulkarani

Abstract :

<p> Background: Hypertension complicating pregnancy is one of the common outcomes with unknown etiology. How pregnancy incites or aggravates hypertension remains unsolved despite decades of intensive research. Treatment remains a challenge as the exact etiology is unknown. Objectives: To assess the incidence of persistent hypertension in a lady with pregnancy induced hypertension, postpartum and also to assess the risk factors for chronicity. Methods: The study was an analytical cohort study conducted at Lady Goshen hospital Mangalore, Karnataka, India. From august 2011 to September 2012. 226 Women with pregnancy induced hypertension were recruited for the study and were followed up for a period of 3 months postpartum. Results: 181 subjects were followed up for a period of 3 months. All subjects who developed eclampsia were primigravidas. The spectrum of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy ranged from gestational hypertension to preeclampsia to eclampsia. Gestational hypertension dominated the spectrum of hypertensive disorders in our study. Early onset of hypertension had more complications. Severe the hypertension and earlier the onset, longer the duration of antihypertensives was required postnatally. The incidence of chronic hypertension in our study is 6.3%. Those with severe preeclampsia required antihypertensives for a longer duration compared to those with gestational hypertension emphasizing regular follow up of hypertensive women following delivery</p>

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Bharathi Rao, Sharadhi.C, Aditi V kulkarani Postnatal Recovery of Blood Pressure in Women with Hypertension in Pregnancy International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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