Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Pornographic Contents through Social Networks: A Case of Western Ethiopia

Shafaat Hussain, Mohd. Arasad

Abstract :

Social networks, for more than the last two decades, have been reshaping the entire behavior of youths’ communication. It has reduced their distances; strengthened their relationships; and has increased their volume of communication. This study explores how the Ethiopian youths are using porn materials through social networks. The objective of this research is to analyze the age and gender dynamics of youths regarding threats of using social networks. There are three target population of this study from where the sample is drawn: teen cyber café visitors, cell phone using older youths and laptop using professional youths. For the first target population, systematic random sampling is used whereas for the second and third snowball sampling is applied. The sample size (264) comprises of questionnaire (n=252) supplemented by interview from key respondents (n=12). The data is collected and analyzed keeping in view the age and gender dynamics and the result is presented.

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Shafaat Hussain, Mohd. Arasad Pornographic Contents Through Social Networks: A Case of Western Ethiopia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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