Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016


Aditya Bhalerao, Sandesh Kamble, Sanket Mandhare, Vivek Kesarkar

Abstract :

It‘s like a chair that isn‘t there, but magically appears whenever you need it. It‘s called the Pneu Portable chair and you wear it on your legs like an exoskeleton, when it‘s not activated, you can walk normally or even run. And then, at your wish, it locks into place and you can sit down on it. Like a chair that is now there. The idea came from wanting to sit anywhere and everywhere. The object of the same is to provide simple and effective means for supporting a person while at labor or during the pursuance of those classes of vocations requiring an upright or standing posture or for other purposes, the improved device being in connection with supporting devices on the person of the user and transportable with the latter from place to place without interference with the free movement of the person carrying the same. Standing for hours on end causes a lot of distress to lower limbs, but most workers get very few eaks and chairs are rarely provided, because they take up too much space so the best idea was to strap an unobtrusive chair directly to the body. The stiffening mechanism is actuated by a pneumatic cylinder which balances the weight of the worker in the way comfortable to the worker. Besides offering the user a seat, the exoskeleton is also able to improve the user‘s posture while they are standing. It keeps your back straight and can reduce the occurrence of bad postures for both healthy workers and those recovering from muscle related injuries. An aluminum and carbon fiber frame keeps the overall weight of the Pneu Portable Chair at just two kilograms, so it doesn‘t burden the wearer with too much excess weight and only marginally impairs movement. If we imagine using these in crowded train that like in India our commute will become very comfortable. To take it a step forward we can also help farmers picking fruit and even surgeons in the operating room so basically Pneu Portable chair as substantial application in everyday life. 

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Aditya Bhalerao, Sandesh Kamble, Sanket Mandhare, Vivek Kesarkar PNEU PORTABLE CHAIR International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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