Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Pleomorphic adenoma : 2 Case report with review of literature

Dr. Ravi Shekhar, Dr. M. N. Ghatage, Dr. A. S. Joshi, Dr. R. M. Kulkarni, Dr. A. D. Chougale

Abstract :

Introduction:Carcinoma of cervix is the most common gynecological malignancy in the developing countries and the third most frequently diagnosed cancer in Indian women In the present study, Carcinoma of cervix,due to easy accessibility to examination,gives us ample opportunity for early detection and thus considerably improved prognosis.Design:50 women were included from hospital with age between 30–39 years with excessive vaginal discharge. Discussion: In present study,in women undergoing screening for pre invasive and invasive cervical cancer,VILI was same sensitive to conventional cytology,but cytology was more specific. Conclusion:Thus as a screening tool,VILI test and Pap smear useful in early diagnosis of cervical cancer in high risk cases.

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Dr. Ravi Shekhar, Dr. M.N.Ghatage, Dr. A.S.Joshi, Dr. R.M.Kulkarni, Dr. A.D.Chougale An Analysis of High Risk Cases for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer by Pap’s Smear and Visual Inspection by Lugol’s Iodine Method International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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