Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Platelet Count And Survival Rate Of Burns Patient- a tertiary care center study

Athul Babu C, Unnikrishnan G

Abstract :


Burn injury affects approximately 1% of population every year. Burn area and patients age have been employed as primary predictors of mortality in burns .Other factors identified are microbiological aspects and duration of stay in hospital . Septicemia is the most important cause of mortality in burns. Burns patient can be saved if septicemia is detected earlier.PLATELET play an important role in immune response . So a fall in platelet count is an indicator of septicemia.OBJECTIVE:This study was undertaken to compare the survival rate of burns patients according to the platelet count.MATERIALS AND METHOD: Study area – Medical college Hospital , Thiruvananthapuram during the time period of 1 year ( January 2015 – January 2016).Study Subjects – Patients admitted with burns in medical college hospital, Trivandrum . Every patient was subjected to Platelet count evaluation on day 1st , 3rd , 7 th , 14 th , 21st post burn day . 2 ml of venous blood collected in EDTA bulb . Platelet s counted on Neubauer chamber under microscope.RESULTS: TOTAL OF 30 burns were studied where 15 of them survived and 15 died . Out of the studied population , 46.7% patients were of age < 35 years . , 53.7 % patients were of age > 35 Years . Compared two aspects of platelet count , that is platelet count on day 3 of the patients and fall in platelet count of more than 50 % that of previous value . Of the studied population , 56.7 % patients have platelet count > 1 lakh on day 3 , 43.3% have count < 1 lakh . For fall in platelet count , 53.3 % patient’s count fall by > 50 % and 46.7% have count < 50 % . those patients with platelet count > 1 lakh 82.4 % survived and with platelet count < 1 lakh 92.3 % died . Patients with pseudomonas infection in the wound , 50 % of them have bad prognosis .CONCLUSION: When platelet count fall below 1 lakh at day 3 , there is 56 times more chance of poor prognosis . When compå the platelet count of patients on day 1 , 3, 7 , 14, 21. It shows if patients have more than 50 % of previous value , they are 11 times more prone to have poor prognosis . Survival rate of burns patients can be improved by proper evaluation of platelet count .

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Athul Babu C, Unnikrishnan G, Platelet Count And Survival Rate Of Burns Patient– a tertiary care center study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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