Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Plastic Injection Molding with Taguchi Approach – A Review

Kalpit Jain, Deepak Kumar, Sanjay Kumawat

Abstract :

Plastic injection molding comprises plastication, injection, packing, cooling, and ejection and process/part quality control applications. These steps are followed for the parts, which are designed by CAD & to be produced by plastic injection method. A competent mold designer must have a thorough knowledge of the principles of mold making as the design of the various parts of the mould depends on the technique adopted for its manufacture. This paper deals with the literature review on study of application of taguchi method. The Taguchi robust parameter design has been widely used over the past decade to solve many single response process parameter designs. Taguchi optimization method was used by exploiting mold analyses based on two level factorial design. Orthogonal arrays of Taguchi, the signal–to–noise (S/N) ratio are utilized to find the optimal levels and the effect of process parameters are determined by many researchers on shrinkage & warpage.  

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Kalpit Jain, Deepak Kumar, Sanjay Kumawat Plastic Injection Molding with Taguchi Approach‾A Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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