Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Placenta Increta in a clinically diagnosed Placenta Accreta: A case report

Dr. Shilpi Sahu, Dr. Reeta Dhar, Dr. Kuldeep Singh

Abstract :

Placenta accreta is abnormal adherence of placenta to uterine wall. Incidence of placenta accreta has been rising because of increased rate of caesarean sections and dilatation and curettage (D&C) as well as advancing maternal age. Here we report a case of clinical placenta accreta, which on histopathology got reported as placenta increta. Placenta accreta is a serious obstetric condition having high mortality and morbidity and causing complications like severe post partum haemorrhage and peripartum hysterectomies. Diagnosis of placenta increta and percreta depends on depth of invasion in hysterectomy specimen and thus clinical accreta may be placenta increta or percreta histopathologically.

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Dr.Shilpi Sahu,Dr.Reeta Dhar,Dr.Kuldeep Singh Placenta Increta in a clinically diagnosed Placenta Accreta: A case report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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