Volume : IX, Issue : V, May - 2020

Pituitary Tuberculosis-A common disease at atypical site.

Dr. Ajeet Singh, Dr. Satish Jain, Dr. Suresh Yadav, Dr. Sadanand Singh Dagar

Abstract :

Tuberculosis of the central nervous system is a consequence of disseminated tuberculosis which usually manifest as meningitis, an abscess or rarely as a tuberculoma.The intracranial tuberculomas especially within the sella,are notorious for simulating as pituitary tumors, affecting pituitary hormonal function and exerting compressive effect on adjacent intracranial structures. Permanent endocrine dysfunction is important sequelae of Tubercular involvement of the sella if discovered late. So it must be investigated early during diagnostic evaluation as the condition is treatable with anti–tubercular therapy (ATT). Although in rare instance surgery may be a favorable option especially for managing extensine intrasellar masses,ATT usually facilitate resolution of such lesion .Long term hormonal replacement therapy may be required for established endocrine dysfunction

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PITUITARY TUBERCULOSIS-A COMMON DISEASE AT ATYPICAL SITE., Dr. Ajeet Singh, Dr. Satish Jain, Dr. Suresh Yadav, Dr. Sadanand Singh Dagar INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-5 | May-2020

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