Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Pilot Study on the Manipulative Characteristics of Alginate Powders Mixed with three different disinfectant liquids

Dr. Merin Mathew, Dr. Shitalsonune, Abdulaziz Fawaz H Aldahash, Ahmed Muharraq Gillan Alruwaili, Bndar Fayez J Alruwaili, Marwan Sulaiman J Alhassan

Abstract :


In search of developing a self disinfecting alginate impression material, the present study conducted to evaluate the mixing characteristics of commercially available alginate dental impression material with three distinct disinfectant solutions.  Four commercially available alginate powders were selected as A: Tropicalgin, B: Cavex CA 37, C: KROMOPAN, D: United Alginate. Disinfectant solutions also were selected as I: Isopropyl alcohol 70%, II: Hydrogen peroxide– 6%, III: Povidone– Iodine– 10%. The mixing procedure was standardized by choosing a consistent manufacturer recommended powder to liquid ratio for all type of test materials. From the result obtained, it is observed that consistency suitable for impression making was obtained only with 6% hydrogen peroxide and 10 % povidone iodine for all types of alginate powders. A sandy like consistency, which is not suitable for dental impression, was obtained with isopropyl alcohol for all four types of alginates.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Merin Mathew, Dr. ShitalSonune, Abdulaziz Fawaz H Aldahash, Ahmed Muharraq Gillan Alruwaili, Bndar Fayez J Alruwaili, Marwan Sulaiman J Alhassan, Pilot Study on the Manipulative Characteristics of Alginate Powders Mixed with three different disinfectant liquids, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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