Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014


Dr. Krunalchandana

Abstract :

Pilar tumor is a rare neoplasm arising from the external root sheath of the hair follicle and is most commonly observed on the scalp. These tumors are largely benign, often cystic, and are characterized by trichilemmal keratinization. Pilar tumors were first recognized by Wilson-Jones in 1966 and since then there have been various case reports describing the pathological aspects Due to the rarity of this histopathological entity there are no guidelines available for the management of these tumors. Till date, the standard treatment has been wide local excision. The role of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, especially in the malignant variant, is not established. We report a patient who was diagnosed as having a malignant pilar tumor of the scalp and had metastases to the lymph nodes at presentation. The aim of this report is to create awareness regarding this particular entity, considering its rare presentation and the need to differentiate these tumors from squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck region.

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DR. KRUNALCHANDANA PILAR TUMOR-A RARE CASE International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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