Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

PICO Power A Boon For Rural Electrification

Rajat Kapoor

Abstract :

Rural electrification is needed to improve the livelihoods of individuals that are located where centralized power grids do not reach. It is a known fact that India is very rich in water resources from where we can harness enough water for irrigation and huge amount of electricity. But there are numerous villages in India far from reach of electrical grid connection system. Such villages are located in difficult terrain and high altitude having numerous small water resources such as rivulets, small rivers and springs. In most of these villages life is difficult due to high altitude but the same high altitude can prove as a boon if even a small water source is available there. There are numerous such sources having adequate height and flow rate for feasibly developing multipurpose pico hydropower project. Pico hydro, hydro systems of 5 kW capacity or less, can address this need at relatively low cost and with virtually no environmental or social impacts.

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Rajat Kapoor PICO Power A Boon For Rural Electrification International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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